首页    光伏系统安规综合测试仪


该光伏系统安规综合测试仪集所有光伏系统安规测试要求(IEC62446)于一身,可完成:光伏系统的接地导通测试,耐压绝缘测试,开路电压,短路电流,以及工作电流(通过配置的交直流钳)测试。该测试仪配置了MC4 and Sunclix 测试头,可快速、方便、安全的与光伏组件、光伏阵列、以及光伏系统进行连接测试。

Combining earth continuity,insulation resistance, open circuit voltage, short circuit current, operating current (using supplied AC/DC current) and DC operating power test functions into one handheld unit. The kit includes MC4 and Sunclix test adaptors which enable quick, safe and easy connection of the tester to the PV modules, strings or array.